Nagapanchami - 2023


 A traditional Hindu festival called Nag Panchami combines astrological ideals with religious awe and customs. The significance of this festival is deeply rooted in the knowledge of celestial bodies and their impact on human lives in the field of astrology. The significance of serpents, their relationship to Rahu and Ketu, and the rituals that guide the festival's observance are all explored in this article by Dharmikshree as it delves deeper into the astrological context of Nag Panchami.

 Every year, on the fifth day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Sawan, the Nag Panchami festival is observed. Nag Panchami will be observed on August 21 this year. On the day of Nag Panchami, it is believed that worshipping snakes bestows spiritual power, enormous wealth, and the desired results in one's life. 

The Symbolism of Serpents

Serpents have a rich symbolism in Hinduism. Guruji says they stand for innate power, transformation, and untapped knowledge. Serpents are frequently shown coiling around the cosmic axis to represent the strong connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. This symbolism emphasises the idea that astrological energies influence human existence and reiterates the idea that all life is interconnected. As a celebration of serpents, Nag Panchami is inextricably linked to this cosmic understanding. 

The celestial serpents : Rahu and Ketu

The lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu are essential to Vedic astrology. They are referred to as "shadow planets" because they are intersections of the Sun's and Moon's paths rather than actual celestial bodies. Dharmikshree states Rahu is linked to aspirations, material goals, worldly attachments, and desires. Ketu, on the other hand, represents spiritual development, detachment, and freedom from the world of things. They are thought to play a crucial role in determining a person's fate and experiences in life. 

The Mythology of Rahu and Ketu

Rahu and Ketu's mythology is deeply ingrained in Hindu mythology, as is their origin story. When the ocean was churning, the demon Swarbhanu, who consumed the elixir of immortality dishonestly, united them once before. Rahu and Ketu were created when Lord Vishnu intervened and severed Swarbhanu's head. Rahu, who represents the head, keeps seeking retribution by bringing about eclipses, while Ketu, who represents the body without a head, seeks spiritual enlightenment.

Nag Panchami Rituals and Their Astrological Significance

Nag Panchami rituals are intended to honour the serpent deities and appease their energies. They also have astrological significance. Visitors to serpent temples make milk, flower, and prayer offerings as well as drawing symbolic snake patterns with vermilion or turmeric. While rooted in reverence, these rituals also have astrological significance. Milk, a nourishing substance, represents how Rahu and Ketu's energies are balanced, balancing desires and spiritual development. Offering milk is another way for people to appease and align astrological influences. 

Benefits and Astrological Remedies

 From an astrological standpoint, Nag Panchami presents a chance for people to lessen the negative effects of Rahu and Ketu in their birth charts. Rituals performed on this day are thought to ease karmic burdens, lessen the effects of past deeds, and ask for blessings for a more peaceful journey through life. The festival's potency is increased by its timing during the bright fortnight of the Shravana lunar month, when the waxing moon amplifies positive energies.

Impact on Culture and Current Relevance

 Nag Panchami's cultural influence goes beyond religious customs and has contemporary relevance. It serves as a reminder of the complex interrelationship between astrology, mythology, and human culture. The festival's popularity has persisted over the years, showing that it is still relevant in today's society. While some may consider these customs to be superstitious, they offer a concrete link between cosmic forces and human existence, encouraging a sense of interconnectedness and purpose. 


On this day, Panchami Tithi will begin at 12:21 PM on August 21 and end at 2:00 PM on August 22. From 5.53 am to 8.30 am is when Nag Panchami will be celebrated. 

What One Shouldn’t Do On Nagpanchmi

These are the precaution Dharmikshree suggests to take during Nag Panchmi:

  • Killing Snakes: The reverence for serpents is one of the main tenets of Nag Panchami. On this day, it is strongly advised against harming or killing snakes as it is against the festival's spirit. Instead, attention is being paid to safeguarding and placating these animals.
  • Digging the Earth: On Nag Panchami, it's best to avoid digging or ploughing the ground. Given that snakes are known to live underground, this is thought to be a way to respect their homes.
  • Entering Snake Holes: It is forbidden to purposefully enter snake holes or disturb snakes' natural habitats because doing so could endanger the animals and violate the snakes' respect.
  • Harming Snakes in Any Way: It's important to refrain from physically harming or killing snakes on Nag Panchami, as well as from portraying snakes in such a way in symbols. Avoid using any decorations or works of art that show snakes being harmed.


According to Dharmikshree Nag Panchami captures the complex interplay of Indian astrology, spirituality, and culture. The Vedic understanding of cosmic energies and their influence on human lives is in line with its celebration of serpents. The festival's rituals have astrological significance and give believers a way to placate and balance Rahu and Ketu's energies. Nag Panchami is more than just a religious celebration; it serves as a reminder of the profound connections that influence our lives and a testament to the enduring connection between celestial bodies and earthly experiences.